Tuesday, 26 August 2008

all the dead bikes - now on flickr

I have set up a page on flickr for the first bunch of dead bikes I've found. Click here to see them. My mate Lloyd has found some too. I'll get him to add his soon.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Clever carpark signage

In Melbourne Axel Peemoeller developed a way-finding-system for the Eureka Tower Carpark while working for Emery Studio. The distorted letters on the wall can be read perfectly when standing at the right position. Nice. See more.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

My sister's wedding invite

So, my sister is a literary consultant and Max manages that gorgeous bookshop Daunt. Quite simply they love books. This is what I did.

all the dead bikes

This is the first photograph in a series called all the dead bikes. I am in the process of finishing the website that accompanies this series. There will be the option to submit your own image and I am hoping to publish a coffee table book.