I nabbed this off a blog called Unurth. It’s beautiful. I wish I was as talented a vandal. The blog post on Unurth is titled ‘Inserirefloppino, Rimini, Italy’. Presumably 'Inserirefloppino' is the location of the awesomeness. If Inserirefloppino is actually a place, it too is brilliant. Unurth reside here.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
The chair that is also a bookcase. Cunning.
Some italian chaps have created the ultimate combo. Well, not quite the ultimate combo. That, of course, would be the perfect pairing of a cigarette with a crisp, moonlit night. That said, it’s quite a combo and ‘nobody and co’ who did it are here.
Luke....I'm your Father, oh and I am from Poland
Found this on a blog by a person only known as Shivadog. Sounds impressive doesn’t he(or she)? Here’s his(or her) blog for you to judge.
New York, December 5, 1933
Rockefeller Center and RCA Building from 515 Madison Avenue. I found this on http://butdoesitfloat.com/ so if you like it you’ll find lots of other interesting things on their site. They won’t all be awesome shots of NY but it will be worth your while. Promise.
♥ My Soma Rush ♥
This is my bike. It’s a fixed wheel Soma Rush. It’s black. With white tyres. It’s bloomin' beautiful I reckon. I bought it from the Deus guys in Sydney - That’s about all I have to say about that really.
Vancouver is Awesome, apparently
Shit this Expo 1986 logo for Canadian Design is hot. Apparently if you live near Value Village at 7350 Edmonds Street in Burnaby (presumably Vancouver) then you can get one. If you do live there get one for me would ya. Here’s the VIA website.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Talk to me BBC. Or at least tweet to me.
So I follow the BBC and the BBC Sport on Twitter. They don’t tweet back to me. They don’t seem to tweet back to anyone. It’s the headline or the first line of copy from the article. Is this how I am going to consume news from now on? The first 140 characters of any article is all I seem to need to know about any given chunk of newsworthynews. I never click on the link to read more.
They could do more couldn’t they? John Snow at least comments ON the news rather than just tells us what the news is. Richard bacon invites debate about the content of his radio show.
Maybe we don’t really want them to tweet back. We like them being the faceless corporation. And maybe people do click on the link and read more. But they will get left behind on Twitter as more people follow more people. I see them as a bit spammy sometimes. Getting in the way of more interesting unpaid journalists in the tweetersphere. Will I unfollow though? Nah, probably not. But I might.
Friday, 10 April 2009
NHS Health Check 48 Sheet
Ray Ban ad
Beautifully crafted ad. I just love the illustration. Found it on Cooliris. Can’t find who did it though.
The old 'big inverted commas trick' eh?
Saturday, 21 March 2009
What I think about my job
Someone once told me that that the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This appeals to me in a couple of ways.
Firstly, as we all know, the world of advertising and communication is changing. You can’t just shout at a bunch of people and hope that some of them hear you. Of course being heard is important, but saying something relevant in a way that is engaging and stimulating is just as crucial. Which doesn’t just mean coming up with a witty headline*, but thinking strategically and using the full range of technology that’s available to us.
Secondly, the statement above resonates with how I work - specifically ‘being creative’. Sitting at the same desk, looking at the same wall (or if you’re lucky, out of the same window) isn’t going to inspire new thinking. Change scenery. Do something different. Swap seats with Joan on reception. Visit an old people’s home, whatever. It’ll breed more effective results in the end. (Joan, for example, is now Head of Art.)
*Don’t get me wrong, I love witty headlines as much as the next Art Director harboring desires of being a copywriter.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Months Of The Year by Benjamin Lambinet
I really like this poster and I’d like one on my wall. I know it’s just a list of the months of the year but sometimes I forget them. And it looks so pretty. See more here.